Word Wise Bible Study Worksheet - PRINTABLE
Womenary students love the Word of God and understand that there is a treasure of wisdom inside every single verse. Womenary WordWise is printable Bible study...

How to Pray the Psalms - PRINTABLE
The Book of Psalms informs our understanding on a wide range of theological topics. Psalms is where the church learns – to hope, to trust, to grieve, to...

Psalms by Genre/Category/Type - PRINTABLE
Did you know that Psalms can be categorized by genre, author, or type? Using Psalms in this type of orderly fashion, helps us to quickly locate the type of verse...

Understanding "Debased Mind" in Romans 1:28-32 - PRINTABLE
Romans 1:28-32 references a debased mind, and then lists the things people do when given over to that mindset. This printable defines each point in the scripture...

Roman 8:28 Devotional - PRINTABLE
If you’ve spent virtually any time in church, you’re familiar with Romans 8:28. It’s drilled into us. It’s brought out every time...

How to Interpret a Parable - PRINTABLE
The Parables of Jesus can be confusing at times. Use this handy chart to more accurately interpret a Parable from the Bible.

Difference Between Dogma, Doctrine & Opinion - PRINTABLE
Is there a difference between dogma, doctrine and opinion? Why does it matter? Dogma defines Christianity and its beliefs. Dogma describes denominational...

Questions to Ask When Interpreting Scripture- PRINTABLE
Interpreting scripture accurately can be difficult at times. Use this chart to guide you with key questions to ask while interpreting scripture.

3-Legged Stool of Truth - PRINTABLE
The 3-legged stool of Biblical truth draws attention to "sola scriptura" and the 3 tools used to interpret scripture. 1) Exposition 2) Systematic...

The 2 Type of Interpretation: Eisegesis & Exegesis -PRINTABLE
These 2 types of interpretation matter. We can make scripture fit to what WE want it to say, or we can discover what GOD meant for it to say.

The Stage of Truth: Evangelical Christian Epistemology - PRINTABLE
This stage would agree with the Protestant confession of sola scriptura in that the Scripture alone has ultimate authority in matters of faith and practice and...

Creeds of the Churches - PRINTABLE
The Creeds of the Churches are documents resulting from individual historic councils (or meetings) to address specific heresy’s or better define beliefs....

Choosing a Bible Translation - VIDEO
Have you struggled to choose the right Bible transation for you? This short video will help!

How does studying scripture change my thinking?- VIDEO
Why is it important to study God and His ways? How does studying scripture change the way I think? This short video explains.

Why should I study theology? - VIDEO
Why should you study theology? What is the purpose of Womenary? Professor Eric Barton explains in this short excerpt from a recent Womenary class.

When the Old Testament is quoted in the New Testament - VIDEO
In this video, Professor Ross Strader explains how to interpret Old Testament quotes found in the New Testament.

Run straight into Jesus in this study! - VIDEO
This short clip of Professor Ross Strader explains how you should always run straight into Jesus when studying theology.

What it may have been like for the first Jewish believers. - VIDEO
Have you ever considered what it may have been like for the first Jewish believers? In this video, Professor Ross Strader walks us through what they may have...

Greater understanding of God should lead to greater worship of God. - VIDEO
Professor Chris Legg uses the church of Pergamos as an example for the necessity to study the deeper things of God.