7 Ready Responses to the Objections of Unbelievers: Apologetics- ONLINE Course

Are there unbelievers and questioners of your faith in your circle of family and friends? This 10 lesson course will prepare you to confidently defend the truthfulness of your Christian faith. Scripture says we are to be ready to give an answer for the hope within us, but we want to give an answer, not get into an argument. The purpose of this course is to provide you with ready, reasonable responses that should communicate the reason for your hope in Christ, in a kind and convincing manner that may become a mind changing, life changing conversion.
Meet the Professor: The lecturing professor for 7 Ready Responses to the Objection of Unbelievers is David Mahfood. David is married and enjoys being the father of three daughters. He claims, as part of his family, two dogs and one cat named Richard to whom he is especially attached. David has a Master’s of Divinity from Southwestern Seminary and is presently serving as senior pastor at Tyland Baptist Church in Tyler, Texas. David is an adult convert to Christianity and believes that his own journey to faith gives him a special insight into the questions that haunt unbelievers.
ONLINEProfessor: David MahfoodTextbooks: Bible10 Most Common Objections to Christianity, by Alex McFarland (Available here)Tuition: $0 FREE CLASS
Acts of the Apostles: Exposition of the Book of Acts - ONLINE Course 1

Introduction to the professor: Eric Barton is one of Womenary’s finest professors. The courses he instructs are always thoroughly researched and carefully assembled. Eric loves to teach God’s Word whether it be at church, in a classroom or sitting over coffee with a friend. He approaches the study of any book of the Bible with the purpose of equipping students with the tools to do serious Bible study on their own.
Introduction to the study of Acts of the Apostles: Eric always emphasizes that expositional Bible study is not a pastime but a preparation. He believes that scripture was written for us and to us so that we might have the wisdom we need to live the abundant life and to be a royal priesthood to the world around us. We are not only to point others to God and to His great redemption through Christ, but also to pass on our heritage of faith to the next generation. This study in Acts will be a history of how it all began and a manual for how to keep it going. Part One is a primer on the disciplines of Biblical Exposition.
ONLINEProfessor: Eric BartonTextbooks: BibleActs for Everyone, Part 2 by Wright, T. (Available here)Tuition: $0 FREE CLASS
Acts of the Apostles: Exposition of the Book of Acts - ONLINE Course 2

Introduction to the professor: Eric Barton is one of Womenary’s finest professors. The courses he instructs are always thoroughly researched and carefully assembled. Eric loves to teach God’s Word whether it be at church, in a classroom or sitting over coffee with a friend. He approaches the study of any book of the Bible with the purpose of equipping students with the tools to do serious Bible study on their own.
Introduction to the study of Acts of the Apostles: Continuation of Course 1: Eric always emphasizes that expositional Bible study is not a pastime but a preparation. He believes that scripture was written for us and to us so that we might have the wisdom we need to live the abundant life and to be a royal priesthood to the world around us. We are not only to point others to God and to His great redemption through Christ, but also to pass on our heritage of faith to the next generation. This study in Acts will be a history of how it all began and a manual for how to keep it going.
ONLINEProfessor: Eric BartonTextbooks: BibleActs for Everyone, Part 1 by Wright, T. (Available here)Tuition: $0 FREE CLASS
Angels, Man & Sin - ONLINE Course 1

This 8 lesson online class is a study of the nature of angels, humanity and sin from a Biblical perspective. It examines the pre-fall and post-fall condition of man and the implications of sin on the image bearing function of humanity. Lesson one addresses what Scripture has to say about angels. It covers the who, what, when, where and why of Angelology.
This course is taught by Professor Eric Barton. Eric is pastor of Bethel Downtown in Tyler, Texas. He is married and the father of two sons. Eric spent several years in the private sector before entering the ministry. It is his heart’s desire to love, to lead, and to guide God’s people through the teaching of God’s Word.
Recommended Reading for the course: Wayne Grudem’s Systematic Theology chapters 19-24
ONLINEProfessor: Eric Barton Class intro videoTextbooks: Wayne Grudem – Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Bible Doctrine (Available here)Tuition: $0 FREE CLASS
Angels, Man & Sin - ONLINE Course 2

This 6 lesson online class continues a study of the nature of angels, humanity and sin from a Biblical perspective. It examines the pre-fall and post-fall condition of man and the implications of sin on the image bearing function of humanity. Lesson one addresses what Scripture has to say about angels. It covers the who, what, when, where and why of Angelology.
This course is taught by Professor Eric Barton. Eric is pastor of Bethel Downtown in Tyler, Texas. He is married and the father of two sons. Eric spent several years in the private sector before entering the ministry. It is his heart’s desire to love, to lead, and to guide God’s people through the teaching of God’s Word.
Recommended Reading for the course: Wayne Grudem’s Systematic Theology chapters 19-24
ONLINEProfessor: Eric Barton Class intro videoTextbooks: Wayne Grudem – Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Bible Doctrine (Available here)Tuition: $0 FREE CLASS
God In Three Persons: The Doctrine of the Trinity - ONLINE Course 1

Can we prove that God exists? Does the Bible teach the Trinity? Why was Christ born of a virgin? Was Christ able to sin? Why is the Trinity important to understand? Discover answers to these questions and many more!
The professor for Trinitarianism is Chris Legg, a Womenary teacher of long standing, the owner and counselor at Alethia Counseling Service and the lead pastor for South Spring Baptist Church in Tyler, Texas. The married father of five, Chris is razor sharp, full of knowledge and always entertaining. Chris is an artful communicator who manages to make deep and difficult subjects discernible.
ONLINEProfessor: Chris LeggTextbooks: BibleSystematic Theology (Available here)The Forgotten Trinity by James R White (Available here)Tuition: $0 FREE CLASS
God in Three Persons: The Doctrine of the Trinity - ONLINE Course 2

COURSE 2: Can we prove that God exists? Does the Bible teach the Trinity? Why was Christ born of a virgin? Was Christ able to sin? Why is the Trinity important to understand? Discover answers to these questions and many more!
The professor for Trinitarianism is Chris Legg, a Womenary teacher of long standing, the owner and counselor at Alethia Counseling Service and the lead pastor for South Spring Baptist Church in Tyler, Texas. The married father of five, Chris is razor sharp, full of knowledge and always entertaining. Chris is an artful communicator who manages to make deep and difficult subjects discernible.
ONLINEProfessor: Chris LeggTextbooks: BibleSystematic Theology by Wayne Grudem (Available here)The Forgotten Trinity by Jame R White (Available here)Tuition: $0 FREE
Mining the Scriptures: A Hermeneutical Study of Colossians - ONLINE Course

In this 8 Lesson Course, Eric Barton introduces the book of Colossians not as a Bible study but as a way to study the Bible. His intent is to provide students with the tools of Biblical exposition so that they might be equipped to discover how to live a life worthy of the Lord. The content of Colossians will be the focus and the art of Biblical interpretation, the instruction.
Meet the Pressor: Eric has been teaching Womenary courses for several years. He is the downtown campus pastor for Bethel Bible Church in Tyler, Texas. He is married and the father of two teenage sons. Eric is a student of God’s Word, a teacher of God’s people, and a pastor to all who seek his counsel.
ONLINEProfessor: Eric BartonTextbooks: BibleTuition: $0 FREE CLASS
The First Gospel - Exposition of Mark - ONLINE Course 1

In this 8 lesson course, Chris Legg introduces the book of Mark as perhaps his favorite book of the bible. He finds in it many deep theological truths along with some controversial concepts. As the student grapples with the tensions and revelations of the text, transformation will be the outcome.
Professor Legg is the campus pastor of South Spring Baptist Church of Tyler. He is a licensed professional counselor and as such owns and operates Alethea Counseling Services. Chris is married, has three biological children and two adopted children. His challenge to the student is to read and study diligently, to honor and encourage one another, to contend with and be transformed by the text.
ONLINEProfessor: Chris Legg Class intro videoTextbooks: BibleTuition: $0 FREE CLASS
The First Gospel- Exposition of Mark - ONLINE Course 2

In this 6 lesson course, Chris Legg introduces the book of Mark as perhaps his favorite book of the bible. He finds in it many deep theological truths along with some controversial concepts. As the student grapples with the tensions and revelations of the text, transformation will be the outcome.
Professor Legg is the campus pastor of South Spring Baptist Church of Tyler. He is a licensed professional counselor and as such owns and operates Alethea Counseling Services. Chris is married, has three biological children and two adopted children. His challenge to the student is to read and study diligently, to honor and encourage one another, to contend with and be transformed by the text.
ONLINEProfessor: Chris Legg Class intro videoTextbooks: BibleTuition: $0 FREE CLASS
The Making and Majesty of Scripture: Bibliology - ONLINE Course

This 12 lesson course is designed to equip students to better understand and apply what they read, as the writer intended it. It also traces how God's great message to man became the supernatural and preserved text of the Bible. Authors, cultures, languages, genres, and context will be covered.
Professor: The instructor for the Womenary study of Bibliology and Hermeneutics is Ross Strader. Ross has served as Senior Pastor at Bethel Bible Church in Tyler, Texas since 2006. He is married and the father of three children. Ross has a Master’s degree in Family Psychology from Hardin-Simmons and a Master’s of Theology in Pastoral Leadership from Dallas Theological Seminary. He is currently working on a Doctorate in Theological Exegesis at Knox Theological Seminary. Ross has a great love for the Bible, its history and its transformative power.
ONLINEProfessor: Ross StraderTextbooks: Grasping God's Word by Scott J. Duvall and J. Daniel Hays (Available here)Tuition: $0 FREE CLASS
Theology 101 - ONLINE Course 1

This 10 lesson course presents what can be known about God in an organized study of his attributes, administration, and authority over the created order. What we believe to be true about God is the most important thing about us. This course teaches how to think rightly about God.
Meet the professor:
The teacher for Theology 101 is Eric Barton. Eric has been teaching Womenary courses for several years. He is the downtown campus pastor for Bethel Bible Church in Tyler, Texas. He is married and the father of two teenage sons. Eric is a student of God’s Word, a teacher of God’s people, and a pastor to all who seek his counsel.
TEXTBOOKS: Bible (any translation…preferably ESV, NIV, NASB, NET, NKJV)
Required: Wayne Grudem – Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Bible Doctrine.
Recommended: Grenz, Stanley J., Olson, Roger E. Who Needs Theology Chapters 1-3
Optional: Moreland, J.P. Love Your God with All Your Mind
ONLINE CLASSProfessor: Eric Barton Class intro videoTextbooks: REQUIRED: Wayne Grudem – Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Bible Doctrine (Available here)Grenz, Stanley J., Olson, Roger E. Who Needs Theology (Available here)OPTIONAL: Moreland, J.P. Love Your God with All Your Mind (Available here)Tuition: $0 FREE CLASS
Theology 101 - ONLINE Course 2

This 10 leson course presents what can be known about God in an organized study of his attributes, administration, and authority over the created order. What we believe to be true about God is the most important thing about us. This course teaches how to think rightly about God.
Meet the professor:
The teacher for Theology 101 is Eric Barton. Eric has been teaching Womenary courses for several years. He is the downtown campus pastor for Bethel Bible Church in Tyler, Texas. He is married and the father of two teenage sons. Eric is a student of God’s Word, a teacher of God’s people, and a pastor to all who seek his counsel.
TEXTBOOKS: Bible (any translation…preferably ESV, NIV, NASB, NET, NKJV)
Required: Wayne Grudem – Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Bible Doctrine.
Recommended: Grenz, Stanley J., Olson, Roger E. Who Needs Theology Chapters 1-3
Optional: Moreland, J.P. Love Your God with All Your Mind
ONLINE CLASSProfessor: Eric Barton Class intro videoTextbooks: REQUIRED: Wayne Grudem – Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Bible Doctrine. (Available here)RECOMMENDED: Grenz, Stanley J., Olson, Roger E. Who Needs Theology (Available here)RECOMMENDED: Moreland, J.P. Love Your God with All Your Mind (Available here)Tuition: $0 FREE CLASS